We picked Alex up at 7:15 to head over to the National Cathedral for 8:00 Easter Sunday service. You want to see impressive and awe-inspiring! Flowers galore, banners, trumpets, choirs, you name it.
Here are some interesting facts about the cathedral… for example, that it was completed in 1990 after a construction period of 83 years. And the interior of the nave is 10 stories high – and the top of the bell tower is equivalent to a 30-story building. I don't know how many people it holds, but I'm pretty sure there were well over 1,000 for the 8:00 service.
Here is the text of the sermon, which I thought was really meaningful, especially the exhortation to work to make a difference in this world, to give yourself to causes that matter, and to start doing things boldly. There are a fair number of aspects of Christianity that I'm not sold on, but the part that I feel really is vital, and what keeps me involved with the church, is the notion that we should – no, must – love one another and that our whole reason for being in the world is to do good for each other. It doesn't really matter to me whether there's a God or a heaven, there may be or there may not be, but until we find out at the end, there's a lot we each can do to ease the journeys of our fellow travelers. There, that's my sermon :-)
Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Life!